Getting Social With The Curious Cowgirl
Welcome to Getting Social With The Curious Cowgirl! We are talking all things Social Media Marketing! With a special focus on Antiques and Vintage Business Owners.
Getting Social With The Curious Cowgirl
Instagram! What in the World is Happening?
Mary Meier-Evans
Season 1
Episode 12
There's BIG changes coming to Instagram in the second half of 2021. What are they, and what do YOU need to do to prepare and adjust?
Important Announcements:
If you are interesting in learning more about my Zoom-Based Workshops teaching Social Media Strategies, please email me and I will be happy to send you information about the next Workshop.
Topics Include Instagram, Facebook, Marketing Techniques for Antique Mall Dealers, Creating Captivating Content, and much more!
Enrollment space is limited!
For more information: Email marythecuriouscowgirl@Gmail.com
Or click here: https://thecuriouscowgirl.com/social-media-course-antiques/now-enrolling-instagram-workshop/