Getting Social With The Curious Cowgirl

Improving Sales in An Antique Mall

Mary Meier-Evans Season 1 Episode 2

Antique Malls are fantastic places to sell Vintage and Antiques.  You can find at least one Antique Mall in almost every American city.  Mall Owners, Mall Managers and Dealers are always looking for ways for improving sales in an Antique Mall.  My answer:  a collective plan for Social Media Marketing.

Important Show Note Links:

  • If you would like a list of all the essential display items, tools and other supplies you will need to successfully move into an Antique Mall Booth, click HERE.  

Special Announcements:

If you, or the Dealers in your Antique Mall, are interesting in learning more about my Zoom-Based Workshops teaching Social Media Strategies, or if you are in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and would like to explore an in-person training Workshop, please email me and I will be happy to send you information!

Topics Include Instagram, Facebook, Marketing Techniques for Antique Mall Dealers, Creating Captivating Content, and much more!

For more information:  Email